Guess and win!
Yes, yes, I've been AWOL. Hopefully this will make you judge me less harshly!
We've set the date for our ultrasound for February 5th, 2 weeks from today. At this ultrasound, we will hopefully see a healthy baby, and find out the sex.
So place your guesses here! Am I having a boy or a girl? Will I need to knit the viking hat with braids or without? (And believe me, I'll be knitting one of them!)
I will choose a random winner from amongst those who guessed correctly. Winner will be announced on the 6th (hopefully), and will receive a $20 gift card (new knitting books, anyone?).
In the case that the baby's shy, I'll just pick a random winner from amongst everyone who enters with a guess!
Important EDIT: Please, please, please leave me some sort of way of contacting you. A blog where I can comment, an email, a Ravelry ID, something. I won't spend valuable knitting time tracking you down, sorry!
I'm guessing girl. Here come the viking braids!
Hmm, let's see now. 2008 saw 4 baby girls born to moms where I work. Therefore I think 2009 will be the year for boys. Blue viking hats without braids then. Good luck with the ultrasound!
I'm guessing a boy! Either way is great, though, isn't it? Best of luck.
- Jodi
Rav: caffeinatedyarn
I'm going to guess boy, although it's hard to guess from far away! Good luck with everything!
Girl! I don't know why, just because Viking Girls rule.
I am guessing a girl. Good luck!
My 7 yo says Boy! :D I trust his opinion as he correctly guessed we were having twins (and their sexes) before the docs knew.
Either way, it's fabulous! :D
share32006 on Ravelry
I'm going to go with girl. Last year seemed to be an even split so who knows, but I like the idea of a girlie viking.
I will guess a boy... I mean a viking hat just sounds masculine to me, lol
I am gimpykatk on Ravelry
I'm hoping for a girl for you, but I feel like it will be a boy. I don't know why, but it's a feeling.
Girl! Viking braids and all. :o)
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I'm guessing a boy. Good luck on your ultrasound!
Ok, In Feb there have been two males that were born in my family. I'm going with the odds and saying this time there will be a girl.
Congrats!!!! hard to say! You could at least post a pic of your belly so all the old wives tales could kick in! Let's go with girl because viking braids are hysterical!
Boy, though I want to see braids!
It's a boy! You know, because Gnarly is such a boy nickname. Like, Gnarly Dude!
Daffymommy on Ravelry
I have to say braids :)
Hugs :)
I think you'll see a boy on the ultrasound screen and make a braidless hat. :) Congratulations!
Rav: Super-Nova
Hmmm....50/, how about....Boy?
Ravelry I'm jjlrdomom
Hopefully you'll get a good view of everything and all will be perfect and healthy. Then hopefully you'll get a good look at the family jewels, and if I'm right they'll be masculine jewels. ;) No braids, is my guess.
My guess would be that it would be a boy. Congrats on your new baby.
A girl!
Good luck!
Puddytat purr on Rav
Many people seem boy-crazy, so I will say "girl". I knitted your Double Layer Cabled hat early in 08 and it's still a favorite knit. I hadn't realized you moved to Cleveland and wanted to let you know there's a very nice yarn store in Avon, French Creek Fibers - worth the drive! I'm knitonepurltoo on Ravelry.
Im guessing a girl, but I think you should make the braids either way - maybe some manly sort of viking-guy braids for a boy?
allioop on ravelry.
A girl! It seems like out Rav thread has more girls than boys.
OMG Those caps are soooo cute. The little baby with the braids looks just like a gnome--like from Piet huygens book.
I vote girl - braids.
Stay well!!
I'm going to guess boy. Based on nothing. Hope he's not shy for you and that everything is going well!
I'm guessing a girl. Why not?
Braids!!! So a girl!
I'm guessing boy just because I have 2 boys. :) Best wishes! (Barbelle of Reclaiming the Home on Ravelry)
I think I will have to guess braids-- so fun. I will be having a little boy on Feb. 11th-- love those babes!
I'll go with girl since I have two of my own.
I'm guessing a girl! I think that if you have a boy you should do a long braid down the back though :) My Rav id is, jenknitsalot. Have a blast at your ultrasound!
more girls are born each year than boys, so that gives a better than 50% chance of it being a girl. So with the odds, I say braids are a go.
hmmm...i am guessing pink viking hat with braids.---just because everyone gets pink but me ;P
good luck!
amy in ne
Rav: mamahoov
Hm...for some reason I keep seeing braids, but that could be just because I already have 2 girls of my own!! Lol.
Tracey4610 on Rav
Oh wow! Congratulations! I'm going to say - viking hat without braids...
Girl :) Congrats, by the by :D
Naelany (from Ravelry)
I guess he's a boy! Of course, every big, tough, manly viking ought to wear braids.
SarahJayne on Ravelry
I think a girl, have a good time at the ultrasound they are so intersting when the Dr. points out all the different parts and you can actualy see the image of your baby.
I am Angela678 on Ravelry
I'm guessing a girl. Congrats. :)
you can contact me on Ravelry as Knittingbelle :)
I am going to guess that you need a viking hat with braids for a little girl. Good luck
I am saying girl!!!
My guess is a girl! My Ravelry id is CplPurl
No braids for you! A BOY.
I'm guessing....a girl. One cute, little girl. :-)
I'm guessing that the baby will be a girl! I know that she'll be one with the knitting.
sturgillsusan on Rav
My guess is for BRAIDS! Girl power!
Hugs and happy thoughts for your ultrasound!
My guess is a boy. Everyone around me is having one, seems like the trend ;P
Definitely a girl. You can name her after me. eheheh
I'm guessing a cute little girl. Either way, can't wait to see how both projects turn out! Congrats!
Guen001 on Rav
boy. just because i have all boys so i think 'boy' when i think 'baby'.
Boy I think 8->
cicicarry on ravelry
I'm guessing a boy! Congrats!
I have 2 boys so I always pick GIRL!
Either way, I'm happy for you!
jackiecastson Ravelry
I am going to guess a healthy beautiful baby GIRL :)
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Ohh... I'm thinking Boy!
skip the braids!
Congrats and I'm guessing a boy!
I'm going to guess girl. Happy baby knitting!
Boy, definitely. Either way, you're blessed! Good luck!
(musicalmoils82 on Ravelry)
I'm hopping in last minute to guess, but I think you're going to have a boy :) Congratulations and good luck either way - it's a 50/50 chance you get one or the other, but a 100 percent chance you'll love them to death.
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