Pardon our dust
If you've scrolled through my blog recently, you probably found a whole bunch of broken picture links. This is because, in a fit of misdirected nesting, I moved all my photos around in Photobucket. One of these days, I'll get around to fixing them.
Anyway, apparently being pregnant does not agree with either knitting or blogging for me. I haven't knit as much as I normally do (you know, my frantic several-pieces-a-week pace), but, more unfortunately, I just haven't cared to blog about the stuff I have made, either. So here is a feeble attempt to rectify that, because, by golly, I HAVE been knitting some, and the world needs to know!
This is the first sweater I knit for my daughter. I know, it's totally not girly. I started it before knowing whether Gnarly would be a boy or girl. Plus, for handmade stuff, I'd rather stick to more gender-neutral things, since I'd really like to pass them down to my next kids.
Anyway, the pattern is from Continuous Cables, which I cover badly. Such beautiful motifs! Oh, I just swoon. The yarn is, of course, Paton's. I actually whittled that stash down pretty well with my baby knitting, as I'll show soon.
This was a nice and quick knit, since most of it is just reverse stockinette. I omitted the bobbled border, because, well, I didn't like it.
It'll be a while before this fits her -- I think it's a 12-month size. I figure it'll be fine her first winter, though, when worn over clothes.
By the way, I'm 33 weeks today. So hard to believe that in as little as 5 weeks (and hopefully not less!) I'll have a gorgeous little model for my knits!
Labels: baby, baby sweaters, cables, gnarly
Good idea to make gender-neutral knits - you want to get as much use out of them as possible! Good luck with your final weeks of pregnancy & I hope everything goes smoothly!
Very cute sweater! I'm glad you popped in to post.
I'm all about gender neutral baby knits as well--love this! And good luck!
Adorable sweater! i'm so with you on the gender neutral knits...
anyways I hope your last few weeks are going well!
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