Dove Knits

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I'm alive, really

Well, I guess I dropped off the face of the earth for a bit there, huh? I guess moving will do that. Were all moved, unpacked, and settled in Cleveland, and I've started my new job, so all's going well. I haven't knit a thing in three weeks until today. Really. Not a stitch.

Good thing I have enough crafty material from the past, huh?

So today I'm showing off a sort-of ensemble I made for my friend S's little daughter. First off, a dress from the same pattern as the toddler dress in my last post:

And secondly, a sweater made in Plymouth Fantasy Naturale (which I won!) from their free pattern:

Not alot to day except that they're all yellow, and the dress was my first time trimming something with ribbon with any degree of success. I'm not a fan of that pattern, though. It's hard to make it neat.